Category: Writing
2004: College of Complexes: Economics and Evil
Mtg # 2682 – Daniel X. O’Neil says that no one can do good, without some how bowing down before the presence of evil
1996: Bosnian Typography Essay in Emigre 38
Using a new font to call for an accounting.
1996: “Joint Venture” in Emigre 37
This essay lays the rationale behind a new approach to the writer/designer relationship based on the ownership of intellectual property. This approach begins with a change in the way we describe dual artistic product and advocates a change in the structure of shared ownership and credit. It proposes a linguistic change to reflect a switch…
1994: T-26 Type Foundry Font Specimen #26
I wrote many poems for this font specimin publication from T-26.
1980: Juvenalia
Here’s a number of stories I wrote as an 8th grader.