with the Trickster in performance
I believe in the organicism of things: that things have atoms, and
that atoms matter, and that matter can change things.
I believe that the international border between Mexico and the
United States is inviolable!
I believe that someone in this room will ride to heaven in a golden
chariot someday
and that You, Trickster, will do everything in
your power to stop that from happening!
I believe that your magic rings perplex me, and that there is no
room for you on this stage—That dirty tricks are for quick and
decisive victories in battle!
I believe that my country lies within the dangerous space between
pride and chauvinism.
I believe that if I was born In Canada, I would feel
very cheated!
I believe that my creditors have nothing to worry about, because
that through some Blind Luck and a few well-placed numbers,
I will soon be famously rich.
I believe that your rings, Trickster, hold no sway over my
lottery—but if they do, I believe that you should help me win!
I believe that five percent of earnings, after taxes, would be
fair recompense!
I believe that every time I see a pregnant woman I should
boil water, or hand her small, tasty cookies.
© 1992 Daniel X. O'Neil
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